Health and wellness consultant
You may ask yourself what a health and wellness consultant does. Well, it’s someone who helps you lead a healthy life in all aspects (physically and emotionally).
People often don’t know where to start; they are disorganized, overwhelmed, or lack motivation. The health and wellness consultant helps by offering support, inspiration, and guidance.
To take control of one’s life, one has to eat healthily, sleep well, and balance life (work life, personal life, family life, ‘me-time).
Support - can take many forms - a listening ear, resources, and tools, typically through one-on-one sessions, e-mail exchange, phone, Skype, Facetime, or in person.
Motivation – provided through personal coaching, accompanying the person in their activities (e.g., walking, cooking, shopping), ensuring follow-ups, providing nutritional information, and offering resources and tools.
Private and corporate programs and services are available.
Healthy living Kickstarter program
Private coaching
Corporate workshops

Eating habit assessment
Myths and portion test
Reading labels
Canadian health guide
Ways to be inclusive
How to handle eating out or in a meeting/business cafeteria
Organization (meal planning)
Resources and activities
Customized plan
(personal or corporate)
Fitness habit assessment
Corporate challenges
The benefits of exercising
How to fit physical activity into a busy schedule
Customized plan
(personal or corporate)
Self care assessments
What is wellness?
What is stress and how to handle it?
Techniques and tools
How to create a corporate wellness culture
Customized plan
(personal or corporate)
What is mindfulness?
How to turn the switch off?
Techniques and exercises to be mindful
The benefits of being mindful
Customized plan
(personal or corporate)